What is church anyway?
Many people today have not been to church, or if they have it’s on rare occasions such as weddings and funerals. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian – but it is a great place to find out about the good news of Christianity. You may not be sure if there is a God. You may feel that a belief in God is something for older people or those who need a crutch in life to get through its problems. You may feel that there must be a more modern way to deal with our spiritual side of life.
But here is a chance for you to find out what you are missing. There really is more to life than work, shopping, time with family, going through life’s ups and downs – and then dying.
The good news that Christians have discovered is that we were made to know the God who made us. Each of us as special, unique people. And He wants us to know that we were made to know Him, to love Him and to enjoy Him for ever. Disastrously, we have turned our back on God and so often try to live our lives without Him, thinking we know better. We ignore Him, we break His laws and live our lives ignoring and turning our backs on Him.
But God has not left us. He came to this world to meet us with our greatest need. Jesus Christ came to bring true forgiveness for the wrong we do and the mess we make of our lives. Not only this but he also gives us power to be the people he designed us to be. He brings meaning into our lives and a certain hope and future happiness that exceeds your wildest dreams.
Finding out more
There are many excuses people make for not finding out more. Many people would say there is something more to life. Then either try to guess what God is like, or they create their own ‘gods’ in their minds and ‘worship’ in their own way. Some people point at all the suffering and evil in our world and use that as a reason to dismiss God. But deep down we know there is more. We know there is a God and one day we will meet Him.
As Christians who have found supreme forgiveness and joy in knowing God, we would urge you to find out more.
Church is not for me at this time
We recognise that church can be a very unfamiliar place to enter if you have not been before. We want you to feel at ease – if you do come we will seek to make you as comfortable as possible and very welcome without expecting you to do or say anything you don’t wish to.
You can also find out more in your home through free booklets and literature that you can read at your own leisure and pace. We also run regular courses during the week which are designed to introduce the Christian faith in an informal and relaxed setting through short films and Bible discussions. If any of these would be of interest or help to you, please do get in touch at info@cecuk.church
In the Bible, God says, “Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near”. That’s good advice because one day it will be too late.