It is great to discover, ask questions and find out exactly what a Christian really is. We live in a world that is so full of information, it’s sometimes hard to know exactly what the truth is or know where to go to find it.
We run a variety of courses aimed at helping people investigate the Christian faith. Each course has a different focus and they are relevant for people of different ages, backgrounds and previous understanding or knowledge of Christian things.
If you would rather explore for yourself first then we would encourage you to read the Bible itself. There is also a short video here that explains the good news of Jesus in 5 mins.
All these resources and courses are designed to be extremely easy to access and engage with. They are designed to be informative, relevant, and helpful to anyone who wants to understand more about themselves, the God who made us and His world in which we live and exist.
We have given a brief description below to give you a flavour of each course. But we are very happy to talk to you more about them and help you identify the best one to start with for you.
Wonderfully Made
This is relevant for mums with toddlers who want help with parenting and are looking for a supportive friendship group, where some of the bigger questions about life and God can be addressed in a very informal, welcoming setting.
You will need no convincing that your children are wonderfully made. But there are a whole heap of challenges that come with caring for young children —tiredness, loneliness, boredom and relationship stress to name a few.
Wonderfully Made is a short burst of encouragement for you as you face life with little ones. As part of a group at your local church, you’ll be stimulated to share the burdens and joys of parenting with others, and to support one another in the important job of caring for and raising small children.
And as you think about how to survive and thrive, you will also be introduced to some bigger questions about God and life.
The course runs for seven sessions and include short films, discussion, coffee, and cake!
For more information on the course or for details when the next one is being run please contact
Life Explored
This is relevant for people who want to understand more about what the Bible says to our modern world and to our lives in particular. You may not be from a church background, or you have had little exposure to the Bible but are keen to understand what life is really all about.
We all want to be happy. Why is lasting happiness so hard to find? Life Explored is an exposé of the little gods that promise us so much happiness yet deliver so little. As it explores the Bible story (creation, fall, redemption, new creation), Life Explored shows how our deepest desires for happiness can only be satisfied in one person, Jesus Christ. The best gift God can give us is himself.
Life Explored is helpful for people who do not consider themselves to be religious and have never read the Bible. It provokes good discussions using short films, examining what the Bible really says and discussion about what that means for us in our modern lives today.
Life Explored is based around two films. The first is a creative story that illustrates the point being made for that week. This is followed by short Bible readings and a second film, where the Bible passage is explained in a very helpful, relatable, informative and thought provoking manner.
The session then concludes with discussion together. Some people will just listen and observe throughout, others may contribute and proactively discuss. It is entirely up to you based on what you would like to do.
For more information on the course or for details when the next one is being run please contact
Hope Explored
There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by.
Six hundred years before Jesus was born, a prophecy was made about him, that he would be called “Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. The gospel of Luke, which is an account of Jesus’s life, explains how these prophecies came true, and that this is great news for all people.
All over the world millions of people find hope and help in knowing Jesus Christ. Hope Explored is a three-session series about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that examines his extraordinary claims. Through teaching from Rico Tice and studies from Luke’s Gospel, Hope Explored shows how Jesus offers us a hope worth having, a hope that won’t disappoint us.
Over three sessions, Hope Explored presents the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and provides an opportunity to discover how he fulfils three great longings we all experience: the longing for hope, peace, and purpose.
Christianity Explored
This is relevant for people who want to understand what the good news of the Bible is in more depth. Through a more focused study in the book of Mark from the Bible, the heart of the Christian message is explored and examined. This is a great follow on course from Life Explored, or helpful for those who have had some previous exposure to the Bible but still have questions.
Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of sharing the best news you can ever hear and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life.
Over seven sessions in Mark’s Gospel, you will find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.
The structure of each session is simple: a short Bible study, a talk and a discussion based on the talk.
And there is more …
We also run courses for marriage preparation, baptism, and Christian discipleship – as well as preaching studies for those engaging in explaining the Bible to others.
For more information on any of these please contact one of our Elders, Bruce or Joe.