Sermon Series: Christmas All Series What Did Christmas Mean For Christ 1 2006-12-10Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Philippians 2:6-8 Christmas What Did Christmas Mean For Christ 2 2006-12-10Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Philippians 2:9-11 Christmas What Did Christmas Mean For The Angels 2006-12-17Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Hebrews 1:6 Christmas What Did Christmas Mean For Gods Word 2006-12-17Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Hebrews 1:1-2 Christmas What Does Christmas Really Mean 2006-12-24Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Revelation 12:1-17 Christmas What Does Christmas Mean For Us 2006-12-24Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins 1 Timothy 1:15 Christmas Hallelujah 2006-12-31Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Revelation 19:4 Christmas Amen 2006-12-31Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Revelation 19:4 Christmas Our Riches From Christs Poverty 2007-12-23Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins 2 Corinthians 8:9 Christmas Resolution 2007-12-30Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins 1 Corinthians 2:2 Christmas Benediction 2007-12-30Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Philippians 4:23 Christmas Shepherds - good news 2008-12-21Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 2:8-12 Christmas Shepherds - impact and resonance 2008-12-21Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 2:13-16 Christmas John the Baptist 2008-12-28Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:13-17 Christmas Jesus - the unique baby boy 2008-12-28Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:30-35 Christmas Light came into the darkness 2009-12-20Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Christmas The ruler who came from Bethlehem 2009-12-27Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Micah 6:1-5 Christmas The incomparable God 2009-12-27Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Micah 7:18-20 Christmas Familiar truth - unfamiliar effect 2010-01-03Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Isaiah 6:1-8 Christmas Remember and repsond 2010-01-03Evening ServiceBruce Jenkins Micah 6:1-8 Christmas Zechariahs song of salvation 2011-12-25Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:67-79 Christmas Zechariahs song of salvation 2012-01-01Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:67-79 Christmas Receive Him 2012-12-23Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins John 1:11-13 Christmas From rags to riches 2015-12-20Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Galatians 4:3-7 Christmas Christmas! 2017-12-24Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Matthew 1:18-25 Christmas Hallelujah! 2017-12-31Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Revelation 19:1 Christmas The exact truth 2018-12-09Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:1-4 Christmas The unique Son 2018-12-16Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:31-33 Christmas The unique Son 2018-12-23Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Luke 1:35-38 Christmas A supernatural Christmas 2019-12-22Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Matthew 1:18-25 Christmas Seek God earnestly 2019-12-29Morning ServiceBruce Jenkins Psalms 63:1-11 Christmas